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Workshop mountainbike technieken - 1 sessieMountainbike workshop onder leiding van ex-prof mountainbiker en Olympiër Kevin Van Hoovels. De workshop is erop gericht méér plezier, veiligheid en een hogere prestatie te halen uit je mountainbike ritten. De doelgroep zijn zowel recreatieve als competitieve mountainbikers, wielrenners en triatleten. Inschrijven geeft toegang tot 1 workshops van circa 2u, en dit op 26/01 of 23/02 (10-12u). We voorzien ruime omkadering zodat iedere deelnemer op eigen niveau kan oefenen.
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Author:Reinout Van Schuylenbergh (phd)
Reinout is the managing director of and He is also a lecturer at KU Leuven, World Triathlon and the Vlaamse Trainersschool (VTS). He has more than 30 years of experience in coaching athletes and supporting coaches. His main expertise is in translating scientific information into practical recommendations. Endurance sports dictate the rhythm of his professional and private life.
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Author's avatar
Author:Reinout Van Schuylenbergh (phd)
Reinout is the managing director of and He is also a lecturer at KU Leuven, World Triathlon and the Vlaamse Trainersschool (VTS). He has more than 30 years of experience in coaching athletes and supporting coaches. His main expertise is in translating scientific information into practical recommendations. Endurance sports dictate the rhythm of his professional and private life.